How to a screenshot on PC 

As easy as it sounds with the right tools and shortcuts you will be able to snap a screen on your desktop easily. Where can I give you instructions on how you can take screenshots on your PC? 

1. Snagit

Using a third-party tool with advanced editing features can be a great way to capture your screen. Tools like snagit has features that allows you to capture specific area of your skin along with soluble content or even videos it also comes with advanced editing features which helps you to edit your screenshots immediately. 

2. Light shot

Light shot is another third party to that allows you to snap your screen. After you install lightshot in your pc and press PrtScn you will be able to select and annotate screenshots directly. This is an easy and fast way of capturing your screen with a third party tool. 

3. Windows PowerShell 

You can capture your window by using alt+PrtScn. When you press these keys you can capture and active window and save it directly through a script or specific directory. 

4. Snip and Sketch

Sleep and sketch is a famous way of capturing your screen. When you press Windows+shift+S you will be able to capture your screen and easily juice the snipping mode. Sleeping modes come in rectangular free form or full screen modes that can be used to capture images and copy to clipboard. This copy images can be pasted into apps or saved in your PC. 

5. Print screen key 

You can easily take a screenshot on your PC by pressing on print screen. This allows you to capture the entire screen and make copies into your clipboard. These copies can be pasted by using control plus b into other documents or apps. You can also press Alt + prt screen and capture and active window and copy to your keyboard. Moreover you can use Windows + prtscn to directly save your screenshot to the screenshot folder under pictures in your PC. 

6. Snipping tool

Snipping tool can also be used to take a screenshot of your screen. To open the sleeping tools you can search snipping tool on the start menu and select mode as per your need. You can use rectangular free form Windows or full screen mode and click and drag to capture the desired area. After you I done capturing the screen save the image to your PC. 

7. Game bar 

Game bar is another popular way of screenshot in for games for apps. Bike racing on Windows + g you will be able to open the game bar. Here you have to click on the camera icon or press Windows plus a l t + prt screen to capture the screen and save it. 

8. Microsoft Word or PowerPoint 

Microsoft word has its own inbuilt screenshot feature. To get access to it open word warpoint and navigate to insert and then screenshot. Choose a window or take a screen clip of the desired screen and save it on your desktop. 

9. Browser extension 

You can easily use browser extensions like awesome screenshot for browser to capture the full page screenshot or specific sections on your screen. You can install this extensions from Chrome edge or Firefox.

10. Using one drive 

Using one drive can help you automatically save screenshot to the cloud when you capture your screen. To use one drive to screenshot write click the onedrive icon in the taskbar and go to settings. Here you will have to navigate to backup and enable automatically save screenshot. Now you can take screenshots to automatically save them to the cloud.